I seriously cannot believe it has been 5 years since I started this blog, exactly on this day, my birthday back in 2016. I can distinctly remember some key moments from back then and my excitement about starting a new adventure. One vivid memory stream stems directly from our trip to Chile. We were invited to spend a most glorious vacation with our friends, Carlo and Leslie, at their stunning vacation home in Isla Negra on the Pacific Ocean. A truly unique locale and we were honored to be their guests.
The view from the bottom terrace of their backyard. Breathtaking.
Throughout that entire trip I was writing and compiling content in anticipation of the launch. It was a magical excursion on so many levels, which ultimately produced four posts from those travels, plus several more awaiting my attention to finish. Colorful countryside, mountainous journeys, crashing waves, and plates of fish, pasta, and the most vibrant fruit abound. I discovered that anything I did, saw, heard or ate inspired me to write and share my experiences. With notebook by my side, camera in hand and heart opened wide I embarked on this journey. That vacation was special not only because our friends made it special in every way, but my heart swelled knowing that I was forging a new expression for two of my true passions: writing and cooking.

In case you missed the posts from early days or want to take a read down memory lane, click the links below.
Another notable memory was our meet up with my cousin Therese, her husband Tom and my Aunt Rosie and Uncle Joe for dinner in the Bronx. Having just made a Butternut Crostini, I needed a focus group. What better occasion to trial run a recipe than smack dab in the middle of Arthur Avenue. In the early days of blogging I thought taste opinions might be a good idea to include. So, on a gritty alley next to an Italian restaurant, I passed out the creamy bites on a tacky napkin. Looking over my shoulder like a convict selling contraband, I made sure the restaurant owner didn’t eye us sampling food in front of his establishment. I coerced my family members to chow down before we got carted away. As in any decent Italian mob movie our secret exchange was successful. “Leave the gun, take the crostini.”
Therese graciously agreeing to take a nibble.
Seriously… on a napkin?!
Tom, another willing participate.
After they graciously tasted the bites and gave their opinions, we went inside, enjoyed a great meal, and good conversation, which included Therese posing a question that I would ponder for years. “I’m excited for you starting this blog. I love everything you make, but what is your intention? What do you want to do with it??” GULP. I literally had no idea. It took me years to decide to write the darn thing, now I needed a purpose other than just sharing my recipes? Holy crap, now what? The only answer I could muster: “I’m not quite sure. I have a passion for cooking. I love to entertain and share my ideas. I would love to open a European style cafe but that ain’t happening. This seemed like the next best option.” Her question lingered in the air that night and 1,825 nights after.
And so, 5 years later, here I am still writing and cooking but with a few more answers. Some remain the same. I still love to write. I still love to cook. And my intention for sharing recipes and entertaining ideas is still at the forefront of what I offer. I try to promote the idea that you don’t always need a recipe. I encourage readers to think about how food tastes and what flavors work together. The goal: build confidence so they can open the fridge, pull out a bunch of stuff and just start cooking. That has been a through line and my hope all along.
So many possibilities, but this has the makings of an Apple Crisp Salad
And now to answer the burning question of what I want to do with my blog… Build a brand, and mantra. It’s clear I didn’t know that back then, but it has been a natural manifestation. People loved my granola and artisanal cookies so I started there. Selling slowly with no real exposure. Even with those meager results, I added on ice cream, and sold it locally. At an even slower pace. So what would compel me to make ice cream sandwiches to add to my collection? Don’t ask.. Chalk it up to being a creative spirit that just want to experiment coupled with being stubborn as hell. As if selling ice cream wasn’t hard enough, try individual sandwiches.

Cue the pandemic and people desperately needing to get out of their houses and walk like never before. Ours is a walking neighborhood but now it was like Grand Central Station (pre-pandemic). Who were all these people? How can I meet them? Fire up the childhood memory banks of gathering your neighbors via the ole Lemonade Stand and voilá my little business took shape.
I put a sign on our lawn beckoning them to come for Friday Night Delights featuring ice cream sandwiches and other treats. And just like that people showed up. The old adage; Build It and They Will Come. It’s true. This small act accomplished everything I expected and more. I was able to showcase my brand, share my treats, meet new neighbors and see old familiar faces...
Build it and they will come. And they have.

What I didn’t anticipate was what it would mean for those visiting my table, nor how it would emotionally move me. This little weekly stand gave people hope and enjoyment. A place to go and meet up with other neighbors, and most notably, something to look forward every Friday during a time that was so dark and full of despair. The level of joy I would feel in seeing how a simple ice cream sandwich or treat could light up my customer’s face - Priceless.
Nor can I try to explain the depth of emotions that welled up when the little kids screamed out my name as they walked or wheeled up to my stand. “There she is, the ice cream lady. Hi Dana! We have a picture for you.!” No words can ever sum up my gratitude and sense of great fortune.
Best buddies: Leo & Gavin
Maddison & Audrey. Their favorites: Chocolate Chip cookies with chocolate ice cream and with Vanilla Chocolate Chip. Their dad is a huge fan of Dana’s Nuts: Spiced & Candied
Paloma showing me the paper bag frog she made from my Think…then Jump™ series.
This is the kind of organic and authentic engagement that builds customer trust and confidence, and enabled me to branch out to savory items as well. Offering food to nourish the mind, body and soul, and bring customers solace at that time has been a gift. Out of a bleak and scary time, bloomed life and smiles big enough to be seen from beyond a mask. In an odd turn of events, I had ended up creating my own version of a European cafe.
Check out all the new offerings on my SHOP page

I know that there has been so much devastation from the pandemic, but I also know and have witnessed how much good has emerged from it. From personal experience, I can attest that from even the most difficult events there is always light. Dark and hard times often propel humanity to search deeper, be more creative, be more compassionate and loving and find goodness in their hearts. My little stand at the end of the driveway was not just filled with treats, but with Love. And Love arrived at my table week after week. My hope for this blog is that I and my readers continue to find ways to stir love into everything we do. I believe I have finally found the answer to Therese’s question. Thank you all for your continued love and support. Stay healthy and safe.