I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a year that has tested us in many ways. We have endured long periods of isolation, some of it wrapped in fear, some of it clouded by uncertainty, but then lifted, virtually and spiritually, by the goodness and generosity of so many. Healthcare workers, essential workers, and beyond have put themselves out there providing relief, comfort and basic necessities for the mass population. I believe that their selfless acts have bolstered us, made us stronger, given us hope and belief in our good humanity. Simple acts of kindness, such as a wave and masked smile from a neighbor, or someone asking how you are doing have brightened our days. There is power in that. Power to overcome and endure. Power to help others. Power to know that the true meaning of being grateful is when we find gratitude in times as troubling as these of 2020.
Even when it seems we are beyond repair, there is beauty and strength to be found.
Photo credit: @lookasithappens.com
2020. Most commonly it symbolizes perfect vision. At the end of 2019, I often said that this year would be one of clear vision. I had no idea how truly meaningful that statement would turn out to be. Often times we see things through our own lens. Blurred by our own patterns. Blink and we see them more clearly. So much came into view this year. Some things were always there just bubbling under the surface. Some were suspected but not really understood. Others were revealed to us in global fashion; our fragility, our humanity. But it’s hard to deny that many realities that came into focus, just like 20/20 vision.
No matter what has transpired. No matter what erupted around us.
No matter our differences, our backgrounds, our color, shape or beliefs, I still believe we are all connected in a deep, meaningful, spiritual way. We are all made up of the same energy. All breathing the same air. All rumbling around the pumpkin patch trying our best to live a full, fruitful life. I don’t expect that these few words will heal wounds or alter opinions. They are simply my reflections on a year gone by. And to remind myself to be grateful in all things large and small, everywhere I find kindness, see helpfulness, share the joyfulness, and be mindful.
A bounty and co-mingling of beauty.
As this year’s Thanksgiving comes into clear view, it may look quite different from those of the past. Big gatherings may transform into a quiet day of reflection or a boisterous Zoom call with family near and far. For many, not gathering is a huge deal, and a great loss. For others, it’s another day that is marked as a holiday, and ok to sacrifice with some solitude for health and safety. Whatever it is for you, that’s ok. However, you find yourself this holiday, may it be filled with joy and safety, health and hopefulness and stirred with LOVE.
May our eyes continue be opened.
May our hearts be welcoming.
May we see with a truer insight, grace and gratitude for our many blessings.
May hope spring eternal.