Mums... the Word

I love working with flowers and listening to each stem tell me how it wants to be displayed. Living in Westchester NY, I go into Grand Central Station when I travel into the NYC.  There are tons of great shops in Grand Central, but one of my favorites is Dahlia Florist. They have a wonderful selection of flowers that at reasonable prices and that last long.  And as with shopping for food, I don't usually go there wanting to buy a particular flower. Instead, I see which ones look the best and have a common theme.  I try to go in the morning because Simone is there and she knows what is the freshest or will tell me if I can or can't combine particular flowers together in one vase. 

I can tell you that I am more of a purist when it comes to floral arrangement.  I like to keep the colors simple, sometimes even all one color but using different flowers.  I find this style can create a powerful impact.  I have also found that this monochromatic or zen approach can elevate the elegance factor even for the most common, inexpensive flowers, like carnations or mums.

My purchase this past week waiting to arranged

My purchase this past week waiting to arranged

Hence the title of this post, Mums the Word. But in this case, I am not keeping quiet about the beauty of Mums but instead declaring that indeed they are The Word.  When using several variations of Mums of the same color and displaying them simply and abundantly they can create drama.  I also picked up some Alstroemeria because I thought their purple hue and subtle green tones would play well off the white Mums.

When I chose these flowers I knew that I wanted to make one big arrangement, as opposed to many small ones, which I have done in the past for party tables.  This one was intended to bring spring cheer to our dining room, so one statement piece was in order.  Picking out a large glass vase that had a wide opening meant that I would probably need a flower frog at the bottom. With such a wide mouth it's a bit more difficult to arrange without having some stability. The frog holds the first batch of stems exactly where I want them to be so they establish the center.  

Wide mouthed vase

Wide mouthed vase

Flower frog helps to hold the stems in place

Flower frog helps to hold the stems in place

I started by cutting the stems to the length I wanted.For this arrangement I knew that I wanted to create a ball of white in the middle.  To do that effectively, the stems need to be cut at relatively the same length and slightly higher than the lip of the vase. The challenge sometimes with Mums is that they have flower stems that shoot off at different levels of the main stem. Often times you have to be creative with the cuts to get the height you want trimming those bottom stems and leaving the main bunch as one stem.

I started building the center using all of the same kind of Mum.  Once I had a good amount, I began placing the next type of mum all around the perimeter and continued the same method with the last type filling in all the spaces.

Using the frog to establish the center from which the ball can build

Using the frog to establish the center from which the ball can build

The final layer was placing the Alstroemeria on a severe angle at the very edge of the vase.  The angle allowed them to sit out as opposed to straight up which helped shape a wide circle around the burst of white mums.

 Once I had a complete ball, I kept filling in any empty spaces.  I really love the strong statement that the Alstroemeria make as they corral the mums in a purple lasso.

The finished main arrangement, a ball of white cheer

The finished main arrangement, a ball of white cheer

Since there were leftover mums, and plenty of vases, I composed small white bunches that would accompany the main arrangement.

Heres' an overhead angle of the finished centerpiece with the smaller vases flanking it. It delivered on the promise of bringing spring cheer to our dining room.  Cheerio!

Sometimes a few buds break off.  I don't like throwing those away.  Each flower has it's purpose and beauty.  So I always try to find a way to show it off.  Here's a zen way of letting the buds shine.  I used a wooden sake cup, filled it with small pebbles and water, and began placing the buds to float together.

I hope this demonstrated just how beautiful an inexpensive flower can blossom into a magnificent centerpiece, or even a little bud garden. Spread the Mum word!


Also, I am repeating this little message about posting a comment since there might be some questions on how to do so.   Please note that you do NOT have to subscribe to Squarespace. After you write a comment, a black window pops up with several icons.  If you click on the one to left that resembles an outline of a person that will allow you to submit the comment without a sign up. You will only need to put your name, as leaving your email is optional. I would love to hear your comments and feedback, so please comment away!  

Beautiful Bowls: A Measure of Love


This past Christmas I received a sweet gift from my friend Angelica and her daughter Cecilia. They are food lovers.  Well, of course they are.  Angelica and her husband, Marcos are the owners of the fabulous Despaña; wholesalers, distributors and retailers of fine Spanish food products.  Their daughter, Cecilia, has a keen sense of taste and has helped me in the kitchen on several occasions. So when they gave me these beautiful bowls and spoons for me to measure up my ingredients, it was a true gift of the heart and spoke to me of pure LOVE.  

Now I will admit that these are a bit delicate to use on a daily basis, but when I have some peace in the kitchen I take them out because they bring a sense of elegance that just makes me smile.  Which is why they came out while I was making an Easter tradition, Pizza Rustica; honoring my grandmothers who dutifully made this rich 'pie' each spring.  These little bowls have an antique feel and make a perfect way to bridge old memories with new ones, created with love by dear friends.

And as with all things in my home, everything has more than one purpose.  These are so gorgeous you can use them as serving bowls for decadent Delaviuda chocolate and the even more addicting Spanish Marcona almonds, both of which can be purchased at Despaña.

They also gave me a dish towel that was too pretty to get wet, so I use it in some of the food photos I take.  It makes the perfect backdrop. 

A glimpse of "When the Carrot Met the Eggplant" (post coming soon)

A glimpse of "When the Carrot Met the Eggplant" (post coming soon)

These clearly make a precious gift or a gift to yourself. These particular ones are available at Anthropologie. Find yourself some beautiful bowls to measure up all the love in your kitchen. 

Purple Forest

Who doesn't like walking into a room with fresh flowers?  This is one of the simple pleasures that I try to bring into our home as often as possible.  I have found that it doesn't need to be expensive or elaborate.  As a matter of fact, I lean more toward simplicity.

This past weekend we had a little brunch at our home (yes, recipes and table scape posts coming soon).  Since I knew I wouldn't be going into the city to pick up flowers at my favorite spot, Dahlia, I knew I would need to find some locally.  

Alas, there wasn't much from which to choose in my town, but I did find two bunches that had promise.  As I picked up tracheliums and sea holly, I already had a plan in my head for a simple display.

Garage sale bargain that brings me joy time and again

Garage sale bargain that brings me joy time and again

My first thought was to use the tracheliums, also known as jade, to create a low line of "trees". From there, I would sporadically insert the purple sea holly. However, Plan A got squashed when I got home to realize that I didn't have a right vessel.  (Hard to imagine given the varied vase styles and sizes In the cabinets). The one I was thinking of was WAY too large.  Plan B:  use my favorite little glass jars I picked up at a garage sale.  

I laid it all out and was about to start cutting, when I realized that it just wasn't what I had in mind. So I searched through my cabinets and found a small serving dish with just enough lip to hold water and serve a new purpose.  I put the frogs inside and starting assembling my Purple Forest.

Once I cut the stems to the height I wanted the shorter stems were quite thin for the frog teeth.  However, the bottom parts of the stems were thicker so I used those to act as fences to hold them up.  

Then I took some stones and placed them around the base to cover up the frogs.

I'm so glad I found that little platter. It wasn't exactly my original plan as the "vase" was slightly different, but it was much closer to my vision than using the glass bottles.  I don't know what your thoughts are but I simply adore this sweet little arrangement.  Super simple but eye catching. Thought I would share this one right before Easter weekend in case you needed a little floral forest for your table.  

A few fun purple thoughts:

  • It is said that if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind.

  • Most children love the color purple.

  • Purple is the color most favored by artists.

  • Thursday's color is purple. (Hence, launching this post on Thursday seems perfect.)


Or for the simplest "put a smile on your face" florals for Easter... Totally Tulips.

Also, I am repeating this little message about posting a comment since there might be some questions on how to do so.   Please note that you do NOT have to subscribe to Squarespace.  After you write a comment, a black window pops up with several icons.  If you click on the one to left that resembles an outline of a person that will allow you to submit the comment without a sign up. You will only need to put your name, as leaving your email is optional. I would love to hear your comments and feedback, so please comment away!  

Florist Vase = Useful Utensil Holder

Whenever I'm hosting a party, I'm always looking for ways to decorate the table with the items needed.  Case in point, what to do with utensils and napkins for a buffet style event?  For some reason, I just don't like putting the utensils on the table. Although, arranged nicely, that simple display can work well without creating a headache for yourself.

Plain Glass Florist Vase

Plain Glass Florist Vase

I prefer finding a container of some sort to house it all. For a gathering of 12 guests a few weeks back, I needed something small to hold cocktail napkins and appetizer forks. The goals:

  • it needed to contain the items, obviously

  • it needed to be simple

  • not take up too much room on the table

  • not call too much attention but be a good team player

Searching around my home, I found one of those plain, nondescript florist vases. How many of us have several of these glass vases stashed away in our homes waiting to be used?  Let's face it, they are just plain.  From my POV,  I have vases much prettier for flower display than these, hence I rarely use them for flowers.   So, they sit in the back of the cabinet waiting for... waiting for who knows why I keep them!  But much like my maternal grandmother and mother, I do KEEP things for potential future uses.  (Oh, how this bugs my hubby.)


But lo and behold, the wait is over. I saw the potential for this plain jane vase and grabbed a simple brown cotton napkin to help enhance its usefulness, which also kept with my theme of a neutral table setting.  I stuffed a couple of other napkins at the bottom so the utensils didn't fall too deeply into the vase.  








Starting to lay out the table scape using fabric pieces from a garage sale

Starting to lay out the table scape using fabric pieces from a garage sale

The final appetizer buffet with the Useful Utensil Holder making its debut at the corner of the table.

The final appetizer buffet with the Useful Utensil Holder making its debut at the corner of the table.

Now, that plain jane florist vase turned itself into a Useful Utensil Holder that keeps everything contained, and fits in with the table's theme.   

Look around your home and see what items can serve up another purpose, maybe even one more functional than its original use.  Don't forget to share some of your ideas.  It's always great to be inspired by other's creative spirit.   

Citrus Cilantro Martini with a Kick

On evenings when I need something to put a smile on my face, I find my hubby's Citrus Cilantro Martini...with a kick, does just the trick.   He makes several different variations, mixing fruits and herbs, but this one is my go to cocktail. With the weekend fast approaching, I thought this was a good time to share some citrus cocktail cheer.


Makes 1 (strong) Martini

  • 1/2 c Vodka (of your choice, we like Kettle One or Belvedere)

  • Splash of simple syrup*

  • Juice of pink or red grapefruit

  • juice of 1/2 lemon

  • juice of 1/2 lime

  • mint or cilantro leaves

  • 1/4 tsp minced jalapeño

*Simple syrup is equal parts water and sugar brought to a boil and then let to cool.  Refrigerate for future use.

JC squeezing up some citrus goodness

JC squeezing up some citrus goodness

Put all the above ingredients into a shaker with ice, and do your best jig.  Shaking for 30 seconds or until you feel like you've jumped around enough.  Pour into a martini glass, add a few cilantro leaves and sit back and let the kick kick in.

Grapefruit with cilantro

Grapefruit with cilantro

I find this drink both refreshing and warming at the same time, which makes it perfect for any season.  The crispness of the grapefruit is clean and light.  Definitely use the pink or red version, as the traditional yellow kind can be too tart. The jalapeño gives it the heat which warms you up. Plus the color is just plain inviting.  I clink my virtual glass to yours wishing you a wonderful weekend.